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What is your passion?

What is your passion?

Thanksgiving is just a day away, so what better time to think about what we are grateful for and to reflect on what's truly important in life? I will be posting some of the things I feel lucky to have in my life  on twitter, @_lovelysunday  this Thanksgiving day, so don't forget to check it out. Let me know what you are most appreciative for- I would love to hear all about it! 

Last weekend, my husband and I watched this video and the effect it had on both of us was so profound–I knew immediately that I had to share this with you all. This is such an open and honest discussion of what is genuinely important in life and how quickly it can all change. I hope that you find it valuable. Who knows, maybe it could change your life. 



What’s something in your life that you spend your free time doing? Something you would do unpaid because you enjoy it so much? What really makes your soul happy and makes you feel personally fulfilled? Whatever the answer is to those questions- that is your passion! It’s up to you to turn it into a reality.

Unfortunately, we can't all do this immediately so it means working after you get home from your day job, on weekends, and whenever you get a second of free time.

LovelySunday is my passion project. I always wanted to do something that would mix all the things I enjoy in life- fashion, traveling, photography, inspiring others, and sharing knowledge. I am so lucky that I get to do all these things with the person I love the most- my husband, who is my photographer/tech guru/best friend.

So, after watching this video, take the time to answer the questions Amit presents and actually follow them! You can do anything you want, but the first steps is finding out what exactly that is. Then, you have to work on realistic steps to make it possible. 

I hope that this post inspires you to really think about your life and if you’re pursuing your passions. I would love to hear from you and what your answers to Amit’s questions are- please tweet me @_lovelysunday and let me know! 

You can also follow Amit Gupta on twitter: @superamit- as he said, he would love to hear your answers just as much as I would!



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Balmain Blazer

Balmain Blazer